Thursday, September 28, 2006

Et pendant ce temps-là...

Au pays de Bj...

Nico dit:
So, here's an odd question for you too...

Nico dit:
Have you heard of me around?

t. dit :
yes... remember O.'s boyfriend?
(Comprendre, Bj...)
Nico dit :
Je fais hyper bien l'innoncent... non?

t. dit :
he told me that he met you before...

Nico dit :
But... what did he say exactly?

t. dit :
that you tried to seduce him in fontainas or smthg like that. or that you gave him your number. still think it's strange that he didn't contact you because (1) he is a sex animal and (2) i think you are his type
The bastard!         

Nico dit :
So he said. Ok. thanks for the info.

Au moins, cela confirme qu'il y a qqch d'étrange derrière tout ça...

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